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How Is AI Revolutionizing Small Businesses?

"It is useful for companies to look at AI through the lens of business capabilities rather than technologies. Broadly speaking, AI can support three important business needs: automating, business process, gaining insight through data analysis, and engaging with customers and employees."

(Harvard business review, Feb 2018)
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Check out real AI use cases in companies in Europe!

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Most common areas where small and medium sized businesses are using AI:

  • Product development, manufacturing
  • Customer engagement: sales and services
  • HR management: hiring workforce
Businesses need to consider the use of AI holistically
With us you can learn about how companies can create value by adopting AI solutions and the development opportunities AI deployment can provide.

How to take part?

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Access free digital stories, animations and other multimedia learning resources based on real AI use case of small and medium sized companies from Europe.
Attend free taining workshops on:
  • benefit domains where AI deployment impacts businesses
  • how can companies create value from adopting AI solutions
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